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Are Modern Women Finished? It’s Better To Be A Baby Mama Than A Wife | Explosive IG Live!
27 Apr 2021
Are Modern Women Finished? It’s Better To Be A Baby Mama Than A Wife | Explosive IG Live!
Date Night · 21 Views

How To Attract High Value Women

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There’s some misinformation making the rounds on Youtube on how to attract a high value woman, and in my latest video I not only share which advice you need to ignore in order to avoid getting into a toxic relationship with the WRONG woman, but also show you how to attract the RIGHT woman in order to have a more healthy and positive relationship.But firstly, what is your idea of a high value women, a lot of dating coaches and certain movements out there say that a high value woman should:1. Be physically attractive2. Have a successful career3 Be intelligent 4. Have lots of followers on social media.However, they don’t often mention, that high value means a woman who values herself. Of course being attractive and having a successful career are definitely positive attributes, but this doesn't automatically mean that the woman knows her value. A woman who respects herself will respect your kindness and commitment to her. She will also guard herself from toxic relationships and techniques that aim to play on her weaknesses. Some of the advice being dished out right now on the internet by certain people will ONLY attract a woman who has little value for her self worth REGARDLESS of how physically attractive she is or successful she is. A woman who truly ‘likes who she is’ in the purest sense, will run for the hills if a man attempted to make her feel worthless, because this woman is looking for a loving relationship based on mutual respect. Many of these guys who tell other guys to treat a woman mean, and warn them that ALL women are bad and not to be trusted, are saying this stuff because: a) It’s entertaining and generates views b) They’ve been hurt in the past by a woman ( or a series of women) and as a result, they communicate that pain (camouflaged very thinly with the whole’ I don’t give a **** attitude) to others who have experienced similar pain, which then goes on to perpetuate the negative perception of all women.NEWS FLASH: Some women are bad news, some aren’t. But if you are encouraged to think that every woman is only interested in a man who treats her badly, then thats exactly what you’ll get, and as a consequence you will also get the toxic relationship and drama that comes with it. It’’s self fulfilling.!On our programs we do things a lot more differently. Our coaches love women, but more importantly they UNDERSTAND women. They know how to build up trust with a woman, and how to present themselves as a high value man which will also build up respect and attraction. This why our students get results. We take a positive approach which generates a far better results,Express your own self value with confidence and make it clear you will not tolerate a woman that disrespects you or mistakes your kindness for weakness, or takes advantage of you, but if you use tactics that emanate from a negative perception then you will attract a woman who has a negative perception and emotional association of men and relationships.Always try to choose a positive starting point instead and you will attract a true high value woman and a healthier relationship

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Are Modern Women Finished? It’s Better To Be A Baby Mama Than A Wife | Explosive IG Live!
27 Apr 2021
Are Modern Women Finished? It’s Better To Be A Baby Mama Than A Wife | Explosive IG Live!
Date Night · 21 Views